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Medication Abortion


We offer medication abortion (sometimes called the “abortion pill”). We use a combination of 2 drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol.


Mifepristone causes changes in the lining of the uterus. Misoprostol then causes the uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy.


Notice: If you need a medication abortion, you will have to make an in-person appointment at Preterm. Though the FDA has announced that it will allow patients to receive medication abortion pills by mail, these updates to the FDA label have not been made yet, and Preterm is unable to provide medication abortion services without in-person appointments. 


What to Expect

Your visit to the clinic will take 3-4 hours. During the visit, you will: 


  • Fill out medical history paperwork

  • Ultrasound exam

  • Finger prick to take a small blood sample to check for anemia and to see whether you’re Rh positive or negative

  • Private counseling session

  • Private consultation with a physician


The doctor will give you an oral dose of mifepristone and a dose of misoprostol to take at home 24 to 48 hours later. Depending on clinic capacity, you may have to come back on a different day to receive your medication abortion. 


Once you take the misoprostol, you may experience cramping in as little as 20 minutes. You'll have cramping and bleeding, and the pregnancy will be expelled. Most people pass the pregnancy in 24 hours, but it could take up to 48 hours. We’ll give you prescriptions to manage any pain or nausea you may experience.
















1 Week After Your Visit

About 1 week after your visit, we will call you to ask some questions to make sure the abortion has been completed. If the abortion is not complete, we'll talk to you about your options. You may need another dose of medication. Under the guidance of your treating physician, you may be eligible for a surgical abortion at no additional charge.


Symptoms + Side Effects

Most people will experience cramping and bleeding similar to a normal heavy period. You may see blood clots and tissue that come from the uterus. This is an expected part of ending the pregnancy.


Bleeding or spotting lasts an average of 9–16 days and may last for up to 30 days. In rare cases (1% of the time), bleeding can be very heavy and may need to be stopped by a surgical procedure.


Common side effects include nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue, fever, dizziness, and diarrhea.


A nurse is available to talk to around the clock if you have any medical concerns.


Single-Appointment Abortion Care 


As of 8/23/2024, the 24-hour waiting ban is no longer in effect. This means some patients can receive their consultation and abortion in one day. This is subject to availability.​


©2023 Preterm

Preterm is a 501(c)(3)

nonprofit organization FEIN 23-7314836

12000 Shaker Boulevard

Cleveland, OH 44120


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Preterm is a licensed ambulatory surgery facility and independent, nonprofit abortion clinic. We do not receive government funding.


 For nearly 50 years, Preterm has been an innovative healthcare leader, providing essential abortion and reproductive healthcare. We take pride in keeping high-quality healthcare accessible to every body, regardless of income. We also advocate in protection of every person's right to determine whether or when to become a parent.​

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