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Job Opportunities 

We employ caring and committed people in a number of positions, including nurses, medical assistants, and patient advocates. A warm personality and a commitment to reproductive health, rights, and justice are essential for every position at Preterm.

Employment benefits for staff working 28 hours or more a week include paid time off, group health insurance, short-term and long-term disability insurance, and a retirement plan. 


Preterm is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against any individual based on non-merit factors. We encourage people of color; Native people; immigrants and refugees; LGBTQ+, transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary people; people who have had abortions; people with disabilities; and people who were formerly imprisoned to apply for open positions at Preterm.


Current Positions Available:​​​​

Join the Preterm Board

We are actively seeking board nominations for people who can help lead us into the vision of reproductive justice and the values that Preterm has focused our work around: Respect, Autonomy, Empathy, Feminism & Intersectionality, Excellence with Integrity, and Intentional Stewardship.


We are looking for creative, strategic thinkers that will carry us through the legal realities and into the future that Preterm imagines in connecting people to care, and caring for our community appropriately.


Applications for Preterm's Board of Directors open up during the summer months. Keep checking back here if you are interested!

©2023 Preterm

Preterm is a 501(c)(3)

nonprofit organization FEIN 23-7314836

12000 Shaker Boulevard

Cleveland, OH 44120


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Preterm is a licensed ambulatory surgery facility and independent, nonprofit abortion clinic. We do not receive government funding.


 For nearly 50 years, Preterm has been an innovative healthcare leader, providing essential abortion and reproductive healthcare. We take pride in keeping high-quality healthcare accessible to every body, regardless of income. We also advocate in protection of every person's right to determine whether or when to become a parent.​

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